Translation Coordinator: The Key to Quality Control
October 19, 2015

A translation coordinator is absolutely essential for any translation job. Sometimes known as "project manager," the coordinators manage each project from order to follow-up services after delivery. They are the bridge between translators and clients, and make full use of their knowledge and skills to maintain quality. Let's take a peek at their work.
Every Day is a Busy One for Translation Coordinators
As the process from translation order to delivery varies by project, translation coordinators must be ever flexible. Choosing a translator who meets the client's needs and delivers on time is just one of their important tasks. Sometimes they will exploit time zones to meet tight deadlines. Effective use of a global translator network can enable a last-minute evening order to be ready the next morning.
The translation coordinator has many other responsibilities: processing jobs before translation, managing schedules and checking translations. One coordinator will be responsible for several projects so needs to maintain an intense focus.
Translation Coordinators Affect Translation Quality
The main role of the translation coordinator is to act as a bridge between client and translator, and ensure that the translation is ready on time. In any endeavor the beginning is crucial. It is extremely important that the translation heads off in the right direction from the start. The coordinator thus puts the most effort into accurately understanding the customer's needs and relaying these to the translator. This includes of course the source material content and intended use of the translation, and extends to stylistic choices and nuances.
The translation coordinator is also constantly alert for issues that might arise from the source material. This helps improve translation quality and speeds up delivery time.
Key Attributes of Translation Coordinators
A translation coordinator needs the communication skills to build a relationship of trust with both the client and the translator. This is more important than superior linguistic ability. A good coordinator will build a relationship strong enough so that a translator will happily accept a job even if the deadline is a bit tight. This boosts efficiency as well as quality.
They also need to be ready to deal with many unforeseen, unavoidable events. The delivery from the translator may be late or there may be revisions to the text once translation is already underway. The translation coordinators use their vast accumulated experience and knowledge to overcome any problem that may arise.
Behind Every Successful Translation is a Translation Coordinator
The quality of the final text itself depends on the care and efforts of the translation coordinators. They are multitaskers dealing with various pressures such as deadlines for translation assignments and deliveries from translators and proofreaders. While shouldering heavy responsibilities, coordinators work hard every day to send out quality translations. They are as essential to each and every translation as the translator themselves.
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