Maximizing Hits from Multilingual Searches! SEO Strategies for Multilingual Sites
March 30, 2015

With the rapid penetration of the Internet, global websites for companies have become a matter of course nowadays. Accurate translation of website content is vital. However, what must be avoided at all costs is a situation where global websites end up not getting hits from search engines despite all the effort taken to get such websites up and running. Here we explain about strategies for effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) when localizing websites and making them multilingual.
Stay Away from Machine Translation
In localization of websites, instead of relying on manpower, recently companies are increasingly choosing to use translation services from the Internet. Machine translation services available on the Internet are improving in quality and are convenient for grasping the general drift of text in various languages. However, from the viewpoint of accurate translation and SEO strategies, we strongly recommend that machine translation is not used for localization.
Good Quality Proofreading - The Key to Producing Excellent Translation
March 23, 2015

A proofreader can make the same amount of difference to the quality of a translation as the translator. The role of the proofreader is to check the translation draft and make any revisions necessary in order to make the final product polished and accurate.
A translation that was good to begin with can be made better and even excellent with polishing up by a proofreader. It is the proofreader's job to improve the quality of the translation.
Proofreading Basics
After the text has been translated, the proofreader checks the translation. At Arc Communications, work translated by a native English speaker is proofread by a native Japanese speaker. In the same manner, work translated by a native Japanese speaker is proofread by a native English speaker. The same applies to other languages. This way, anything needing revision can be discovered through the different viewpoints of the translator and the proofreader.
Quality Control in Translation
March 16, 2015

To consistently deliver high-quality translation, thoroughgoing quality control is indispensable. Although the spotlight tends to shine upon the translation produced by the translator, high-quality translation is not generated without the contributions of those who work behind the scenes in support of the quality control process.
This article outlines some of the checkpoints that support translation behind the scenes, and some specific quality control methods.
Sub-preparations for Translation Work
In translation, the sub-preparations that are done before the translation work commences are the first step in producing a high-quality translation. Particularly in the case of a large project where multiple translators each translate an assigned section, it is important to calmly set the foundations in place.
A Bright Future for Korean Translation and Interpreting
March 9, 2015

Now that the Korean TV drama boom and the K-pop tidal wave are taking something of a break, let us look at the current state of Korean translation and interpreting.
The structure of the Korean language is often said to be similar to that of Japanese, which at first glance leads Japanese people to think of Korean translation and interpreting as a rather simple proposition. This article looks at various facets of this field, including the state of demand, key features, and future prospects.
The Demand for Korean Translation and Interpreting
When they hear of Korean translation and interpreting, many Japanese people nowadays probably think of translating K-pop lyrics or interpreting for Korean soap opera stars. But in fact most of the demand for Korean translation and interpreting arises from the tourism and business sectors.
Another Face of Japanese Hospitality: the Increasing Demand for Menu Translations
March 3, 2015

Following on from the decision to award the 2020 Olympics to Tokyo, in December 2013 Unesco placed washoku, or Japanese cuisine, on its Intangible Cultural Heritage List. Japan is now attracting a great deal of attention from across the world and the country is expected to welcome many more visitors from abroad.
Overseas visitors may well look forward to enjoying their three daily meals during their stays in Japan. There is no doubt that experiencing the distinctive flavors of a place is one of the great delights of traveling.
To everyone in the Japanese restaurant industry, are you ready?
Helping People in Tourist Locations Enjoy their Food
Food is one of the great pleasures of traveling. Surely everyone who has traveled has experienced a tingle of anticipation prior to going to such-and-such a place and trying such-and-such a dish. So, what memories do people take away after venturing into a local restaurant on an overseas trip? Unfortunately for some of us it could be a slightly disappointing experience: "I couldn't understand the menu so I had to order what someone else told me to."
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