Translation of e-books is No Longer a Dream!
October 22, 2014

In the past, you had to be a successful, best-selling writer to have your book translated. But today, anyone can publish his own work using electronic media, and some are paying to have their books translated into another language. What impact would this trend have on the translation industry?
Today, we look at the possibilities of e-book translation.
Are There Cost Benefits to Translating e-books?
With the spread of e-books, many writers are now able to release their works to the world without engaging the services of a publisher. At the same time, they can now have their works translated into a foreign language to acquire readers overseas.
But even if one of the advantages of publishing e-books is low cost, that does not mean that translating e-books could also be done at low cost. Whatever the medium, translation is done by the human hand, so the translation cost is the same.
As a result, translation of one's own work is limited to those who can afford the translation cost.
To Have More People Translate their e-books
While writers may not be able to pay for the translation cost, there are so many quality works that are made into e-books. And since translation of books mostly pays by royalty, if the translated work sells well, its translator would receive appropriate compensation.
To meet such needs of both writer and translator, there is a new system today called the "betting portal (translation auction)." In this system, the translator buys the right to translate a work of potential value through an auction. With this system, writers could publish their work in a foreign language even without a sufficient budget to translate, while translators could obtain an opportunity to translate works they believe are good, and earn royalty income.
In this day of increasing e-book demand, many materials ranging from corporate-released documents to literary works are published via electronic media, which also creates needs for translation that specializes in e-books. Translation for e-books needs to be offered in new types of services different from those for paper media.
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